Saturday, December 20, 2014

Fun with SLO2016 LED displays

I love going to hamfests; you never know what you will find.  At one 'fest a few years ago, I picked up several SLO2016 LED matrix displays. I had no idea what they were when I bought them -- they just looked kind of cool and I thought they might work for small, minimal displays (as opposed to a larger LCD display). After a quick web search, I found this data sheet.

They are modules of 4 little 5x7 LED matrix characters.  They have 7 data lines for 127 characters, 2 address lines to determine which character is updated, and a enable/write line.  They can be chained together by sharing the data and address lines and controlling the individual enable/write pin on each display.

I posted a video to youtube showing 3 displays chained together for a 12 character scrolling display controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini.  You can find several other videos with examples. 

I got a request for the code for the scrolling text.  I make no claim as to how wonderful my code is; if it is useful, have at it!

The Code

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